Tuesday, January 1, 2013

faking ourselves

"harus loh keluar zona nyaman buat ngedapetin sesuatu" -- dewi 
is it mean we have to become someone else? it's fake. i think and think again, it should be the real you has to come up. no matter how cruel society, the real you must come up. don't pretend to be someone else which you don't enjoy it. because i believe every human is unique, they deserve to be different. they deserve to be free.

but what's the meaning of that zone?
if it's something into bad and not really fit into our character. then, the answer is above. we deserve to be who i am. if the outside can't fit in ours. we can make our own worlds. why do we have to change if we are already have a good character?

if it's into something good. i think we should try to change into the good. the changes in it means to level up our character. to be a better us.

at last, it based on good or bad. i think adult people can define the good from the bad.

the problem is, why do we have to change if the character that we live now are okay?
at that point, that person has reached their comfort zone. at that zone, nothing will change. you will stay the same at that moment. stability.

time eventually come into your brain. either because of you are bored or tired. you want to leave. you want something to change.

the choice is up to you. you want to be better or stay the same. or you want to play hard, got goodness much and also loose to badness much.

good luck on your life choice!

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