Friday, June 30, 2017

Strolling around Jakarta Chinatown as a Lebaran Holiday

Lebaran holiday is almost over and as usual i don't have any plans to go somewhere. While my days were filled with scrolling instagram, i found an interesting account called jakarta good guide. They provide a jakarta walking tour with guide and you can pay as much as you wish. Sounds interesting then.

They have several routes to be explored. There are Old Town, City Center, Chinatown and Food Tour.
Just check on their website at
To join the tour you can fill the form on their website.

As a first time, i was interested by the chinatown route, i've never had a chance to explore the chinatown at Jakarta. So, a night before as usual i try to kidnapped someone. As usual (too) tante jojo was free. A night before i fill the form for the next morning tour and a few minutes later i receive a confirmation via e-mail. They are fast response.

Candranaya as our first spot

our meeting point was at Novotel Hotel Gajah Mada. once i step on it, i was amazed by the china house in the hotel. Turns out that house was our first spot called Candranaya. So, sorrounded by the new hotel, candranaya still exist on its own place.
then walking to the back, there are a green open space, with ponds. Again, i was being amazed.

on left & right wing, there are restaurant. some of them have a touch of chinese

authentic table & chairs
pssst, it's outdoor space

Petak Sembilan and Dharma Bakti Temple

St. Maria de Fatima church

this pink blush chair is really stolen my heart.
pssst this chair is welding into the metal pot. i guess to prevent it being stolen.

inside the church. the red lady is our guide on that day.

group photo.
thanks to the man on left that share this photo with original quality and introduce me with airdrop

Toa Se Bio Temple

favorite spot

tanta and i 

Gloria Food Alley

Gedung Olveh as our rest stop and farewell

the 40 flats

full body shot after unknown time ago

after walking tour

  • never knew that Jakarta had so many hidden yet interesting places to be explored
  • will i join again? surely
  • the guide introduce me with a pure orange drink. with no addition water or sugar. 100% made from orange. i forgot the exact location. pardon my memory.
  • first time to be inside of praying place besides my religion
  • apparently, Gedung Olveh is jakarta good guide office 
  • i recommend do not bring own vehicle, because the ending point is different from the meeting point.

written 10|12|17 1am

Thursday, June 1, 2017

3 fave art installation at Casa Indonesia 2017

Casa Indonesia was previously known as Casa by Bravacasa. This exhibition was presented by Bravacasa magazine. This year is the 8th year of the exhibition.
Casa Indonesia 2017 theme was 'Completeness and Beyond Happiness', with Cosmas D Gozali as an Exhibition Director and Diana Nazir as an Creative Director, they together collaborated for the third time at Casa Indonesia.

This is my second time experience Casa Indonesia. What i enjoy about this exhibition is their art installation that need visitor interaction. To experience the installation sometimes we need to move our arms, head or body. We also need to sense it not only through the eyes, but also through the sound and touch.

Terperangkap dalam Pikiran (Trapped in Mind) - Capti Menti

by Atelier Cosmas Gozali

"Senang, bahagia, tersinggung, amarah dan kebencian, segala bentuk perasaan yang bahkan dapat menjadi sikap serta tindakan manusia, semua berasal dari apa yang terekam didalam pikiran kita.

Gejolak sosial politik yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini, membuat kita sebagai suatu bangsa yang besar, kembali bertanya akan identitas diri dalam berbangsa yang menyebabkan lahirnya perbedaan-perbedaan yang bahkan berujung kepada perpecahan. Efek domino akan satu kejadian ke kejadian lainnya bisa memperburuk situasi, kegundahan hati untuk bertanya dan menyampaikan sikap semakin tak terhindari. Apakah ini merupakan cita-cita dan harapan kita ke masa yang akan datang?

Suatu Art Instalasi yang terbentuk dari hampir 900 wujud kepala manusia berwarna merah dan lebih dari 500 berwarna putih yang berjejer secara rata, sebagai suatu lorong, dengan bentu yang menyerupai robot-robot dengan bermata kosong tanpa suatu identitas, menerawang dan menatap, yang mengajak kita berpikir dan reaksi yang beragam saat melaluinya, mencari persamaan dan perbedaan identitas, dalam perjalanan yang seolah tiada ujungnya. Muka tanpa wajah itu ibarat kita yang terperangkap dalam pikiran dan emosi yang menyebabkan nilai kemarahan dalam simbol merah, lebih besar dari nilai kesucian dalam simbol putih yang berjarak dan hampir terkoyak.

Kebahagiaan dan kesempuranaan merupakan tujuan perjalanan yang diinginkan dari Art Instalasi yang dibuat. Dalam segala ideologi maupun berbagai kepercayaan, kesempurnaan hanya bisa tercapai jika segala hambatan duniawi berupa perasaan dan sikap dapat kita tinggalkan bahkan hilangkan. Sanggupkah kita sebagai bangsa besar yang majemuk untuk melepaskan segala bentuk pikiran, kecurigaan dan bahkan kebencian diantara kita, sehingga di saat kita meninggalkan perjalanan melaui 'Gerbang' tersebut, kita bisa menjadi manusia yang bebas dari 'Terperangkap dalam pikiran' dan membangun kembali serta merajut bersama bangsa ini menuju suatu keharmonisan dan kesempurnaan kebahagiaan, 'Beyond of Happiness', layaknya seperti tema besar dalam perayaan Casa Indonesia tahun 2017 ini."

Being happy, offended, anger and hate, or any other feeling that comes from our mind could be the cause of human attitude and action. We are as citizen of large nation with its plurality, when something negative happen, it could lead to another negative incidents. Just like domino effect, it will lead to make the incident getting worst. Is this our purpose and hope for the next generation Questioning self identity as a nation.

This art installation is formed from a figures that looks like a human head. These human head figures with an empty eyes as if they have no identity, just like we are being trapped in our mind and emotion. There are almost 900 pieces of human head figures in red color as a representative of anger and more than 500 pieces in white color as a representative of purity. These human head are lined up as an alley. So, when the visitor walk into this alley, they are being invited to think and react.

I see those human heads as a representative of citizen that don't have any identity. So when, one head moving towards to another, the other head will move to another head, as if domino effect. As if the citizen could be influenced easily, whether it's a bad or good thing.

Happiness and perfection is the goal at the end this journey and as a purpose of this art installation. Perfection could happen if only all the feeling and attitude of ours can be eliminate. We are as citizen of large nation with its plurality, can we eliminate any negative thoughts, suspicious and hate among us? So when we leave this journey through this 'Gate', we can be a human that free from 'Trapped in Mind' and come towards to harmony and completeness happiness, 'Beyond of Happiness', just like current theme at Casa Indonesia 2017.

Mapping Happiness by Nusae

There are 6 parts that represents the factor that brings happines :
  1. Creation (kreasi). My mind says it could anything that human produce. it could be something that you do, maybe for routine as an employee. or something that you do in the spare time. 
  2. Vision (penglihatan). It could be anything that can be seen and it's exciting. it could be seeing the movies, art exhibition, or seeing people on the street or in public space. wondering what they do, what they will do, what they are thinking of.
  3. Togetherness (kebersamaan). When we gather with our friends or family, there's some feeling that can bring the happiness. Sometimes the feeling is also mixed, and they could bring happiness when our mood is bad. Laughter is the greatest feeling when with them. These could happen if you are in the middle of the right circle, no need to be perfect circle.
  4. Physical Activity (aktivitas fisik). Some people do love and enjoy doing sports. They think healthy is important. Some people do love extreme activity that pumps their adrenaline up. 
  5. Hearing (pendengaran). Listening to nice tunes can lift our mood up. Personally, when i have a bad mood, the easy way is listen to loud music and slept on it. Not only music, happiness could be happen by listening to incredible thoughts that open our mind up to be a positive person. Also listening to the sound of nature.
  6. Health (kesehatan). Being healthy is important. Imagine what is life if we are sick, laying on bed. Not much we can do then.

Nusae mapping these happiness using a schematic on human brains. And these mapping is created as if it's a town map. The 6 factors that brings happiness are adjusted with the function of each parts of brain. The usage of brain figure and its parts as a factor map that brings happiness was based on our thought that happiness comes from inside our self.

Those red & blue dots was a sticker that visitor could attached on the map based on their own factor of happiness. The red dots for male and blue dots for female.

Because i can't choose only one factor, i tear my blue sticker into half. One half, i put on Vision, and the other half i put on between Creation and Togetherness.

I also see a kid attached his sticker outside the map, and his parents laugh and says 'he's thinking outside of the box.' Or if you attached outside the map, it could the happiness comes from outside those 6 factors of happiness.

I attend the exhibition on day 1 (thanks to the day off due to Pancasila Day), the stickers only a few on the mapping. I wonder what is the most happiness factor from the visitor. And which factor will be dominated by male and which factor will be dominated by female.

Architectural Project from Formologix

i love the display. Acrylic on layers in black and white.
The next photos is the view from around the display.

Another Architectural Project from between DP+HS Architects / Parametr Architecture / sontangMsiregar architects
(i forgot)

Diameter 240 by nataneka architects

"What if, there is no more enough space for someone's parametric activities?
What if, the space has limited boundaries for someone?

Called diameter 240, this project consists of two wheels in 7 modules that can be installed in any combination within an existing space or even outdoors. 
Each of these is a wheel-shapped cylinder, and although the external dimensions are all the same (240 cm), internally each one is different.
The idea is that whichever function you wish to use is on the floor, and you can replace it with a turn of the wheel.

When the future can give no more flexibility on our space, this concept could be the answer for living."

Bloom in Diversity by Mita Lukardi

it tells about how each individu with different character can live harmoniously


Never Ending Pieces on Natural Indigo Batik by Kenzo Wienand

JAVA by Rudy Dodo

inside 'Java' by Rudy Dodo
i guess the mirror effect is keep happening. to make the infinity effect.

Trend Ambience 2017-2018 : PRO.DI.GY presented by Indonesia Trend Forecasting
"Inspired by Generation Z that has the ability to merge the two worlds of virtual and realityInside that shell of ignorant,
stubborn appearance; as a generation that is born into a time where recession and humanitarian crisis haunting the world,
they appreciate honesty and keen to join humanitarian projects. A unique relationship with their ageless baby boomers or
generation X parents is bridging the generation gap, as they share the same interest in virtual world, music genres and
fashion style. It creates the most colorful, dynamic and playful theme, in an intelligent, balancing form."

Besides Digitarian, there are 3 others Trend Forecasting 2017 - 2018 at Grey Zone : Archean, Vigilant, Cryptic.

Luwes Rattan Bench by Zulyo Kumara from Kesan Mendalam, for Casa Design Challange 2017

Lilit a bamboo hanging lamp inspired by the warmth of Sundanese (Selaawi) community life and history of Indonesia

created by Pesamuan Ceramic, Bali

created by Pesamuan Ceramic, Bali

Showing Button Hook at IDentities booth by BEKRAF

Chocolate Garden display by Pipiltin Cocoa

written 03|12|17 at 5pm