Thursday, July 23, 2015

mangrove + xU


in the middle of lebaran holiday, i still have a free day. mom asked me where i wanna go. one place pop up. Mangrove Forest at PIK (pantai indah kapuk). after twice failed to visit, i think now is the right time.

the day

despite my body is not feeling well. flu, a little cold and almost recovering from cough, sometimes a little dizzy. but i have to. feels like i'm running out of time. no more cancellation. plus i have mom & dad to accompany me. though one of my friends told me that the forest is dark, many mosquito and really really hot. let's experience the reality itself.

apparently the pik itself not far away from home. but to find the location of mangrove is tricky. google maps guide us wrongly. not many local people know it.
the easy way just find Buddha Tzu Chi School, the forest entrance is exactly behind this. a little bit hidden, but the road is fine.

no camera allowed. any camera, even pocket camera. only camera phone. if you insist to bring camera, prepare some additional payment.
for me, it's kinda a challenge. how far i can captured with 3 y.o camera phone. at first cancel visitation, in my mind i must bring someone with good camera phone. but recently after i captured sky view with camera phone, it's not that bad. plus the mangrove forest is outside, sunshine will lighted it.

after seen

  • before going through inside, there will be 2 roads. the left one which i seen the direction board it leads to main bridge. the right one is my exit way, through the canteen and lodge.
  • briefly hesitated, the left road is still in deserted, still in progression. but i found the main bridge.
  • afternoon around 3.30 pm is the best time. enough time to explore every hidden places. and still can captured sunset.
  • no heels allowed. heels can't walk in the log.
  • couples everywhere, especially in hidden spot.
  • selfie sticks everywhere along with the young kids with their coolest outfit
  • bring enough snacks and drinks. attention! not many, just enough. remember to drop it in trash bin. to be a pleasant view.
  • bring friends

written 20|19|15 7pm

Sunday, July 19, 2015

click click while stuck in a car to tanjung pasir


inbetween crossing the strait to lampung | puncak | another thousand island trip which i specially request the sand beach | dufan | taman safari | private beach in north area so i can play with sandy beach
then we decide to tanjung pasir. not to far from our house. near airport. it tooks only 1 hour informed by waze. this trip suppose to let it go my desire to play the sandy beach. by the name of the place, it must be sandy beach everywhere.
so these are in my mind, playing with sand, the feeling of sand in my feet, getting a little wet, hopefully collect the abandoned seashell, can't be forgotten to take a jump photo session.

what really happen...

waze guided us to small roads. small housing. thanks God we took dhee's car which is small car. Can't imagine if my mom & dad allowed me to take their car, which is a long sedan car.

8 a.m we suppose to start. although our house is closed by but the reality is 10.30 a.m.
dibya still jogging at senayan and at 9 a.m she's on the way home. 9.40 a.m rama arrives at ogen's house but ogen is missing. what??
then we also abort our mission to stay the night at the last minute, because dhee's parents won't allow it. lucky me to pack in the morning, no need much time to spend it.
9.45 a.m dibya ask rama to come to her house, in order to ask her parents permission. What the Aaargh! thanks God nothing serious happen.

4 hours in a very very very sloooow move

start from 11.30 our car moves very slowly. we're starving. the first thing we do when we arrive is finding the seafood restaurant to fulfill our tummy.
it was a sunny day. to kill the boredom i took my camera phone to take random pictures. i'm satisfied with the result, despite its 3 years old.

landed at untung jawa island for tummy

15.30 p.m we landed at tanjung pasir. too many people. really really crowded. with trash everywhere. my expectation is dropped. no way i can play the sandy beach. the restaurant, i can't see it.
this situation is because today is the H+3 lebaran day. many people seek for the amusement place.

then we decide to across the island, hoping less people, less trash. there's nothing we can do in tanjung pasir. merely to sit is not possible. and also we can't take photo group.

untung jawa island in 3 hours.
1 hour looking for food and one of my friend need to stop by at toilet
1 hour waiting for the food to be cooked and me try to captured the sunset
1 hour to enjoy the seafood. the taste not bad lah. then take a break in a satiation
then darkness make us leave this island


sunset is a must taken

try to be happy in these unmoving car -- across the island with starving tummy

written 10|09|15 10.15pm