Saturday, September 28, 2013

it's ruined again

my plan cancel again, either because of my laziness to get out of the house with public transportation (again) or because i cancel their plan to trip to bogor.

also my mood is ruined. i accidentally too hot ironing my first culottes which is almost done.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

i'm mobile

Just installed blog application for my mobile phone. Whoaaa... i think i'm gonna write often. Let's hope.

Hmmm being a new person.
For me, i'm not good to get in touch with new people. Especially if the other person is shy, not talker person. It's hard to get to know them. Like what conversation should i start with. Sometimes i think i have problem with words. It's hard to connect the words that i'm trying to say.

i like to interview people. Getting to know what's their opinion. But in everyday way, it's gonna be awkward. They would think who am i. Asking so many question.

Sometimes i used this trick to start with new people. Always borrowing something to the other. In that way u're gonna start to get in touch with other. See if i have everything, it means i'm independent, individual, no need interaction with others.

If u have a question don't hesitate to ask. But please do not ask too many silly little thing. They're gonna think you're stupid or annoying person.

For me, at least i need 6 months to get along with new people. To memorize their name.

Sometimes when i feel not in their circle community. i want to run away. i feel like i'm not belong to them. i feel like they don't care. Fine, i don't care about it. So i make my own world with my own thought. But please let me get out of that circle. Let me into free community. Which i'm prefered.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

my life as a project designer

Huaaa alot to share a little time i have. Shortly, this is my first own project that i handle by myself. Yaaahh of course i'm not literally alone, there's cici and the other people.

I start to feel the story, the intrict, the drama, the problem, and so on.

By Saturday just got a news that the ceramic tile that I deliver from here is not enough. Even I already spare to broken things. And today that problem just solved.

The problem of ceramic tile has just been done, another thing happen. The rolling door just start producing. I thought he already start producing. I estimate by the end of this week he can install. Too bad, he needs 2 weeks produce and time to deliver. What the aaaaa,,, i thought he produces it near site. It's out of island.

The rolling door not yet done, then something come up. The box panel for electricity. I dunno why they installed in sales area, not in storage. Grrrgrrr,,, thanks God the guy is cooperative. Hope the client understand.

Please be good to me and us.*fingercrossed